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6-Jun-2013 [ | E-mail | ] Contact: Matthias Christandlchristandl@itp.phys.ethz.ch 41-446-332-592ETH Zurich Different types of ‘entanglement’ classified This news release is available in German. “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum…...

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This is a brief review of the extensive work by German researcher Friederike Range, looking at imitation or modelling behaviour in dogs. Previously, I posted anecdotal evidence on modelling in dogs (which many people shared their experiences on). This...

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6-Jun-2013 [ | E-mail | ] Contact: Joan Robinsonjoan.robinson@springer.com 49-622-148-78130Springer Global warming impacts lakes’ structure, function and water quality Increases in temperature as a result of climate change are mirrored in lake waters...

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6-Jun-2013 [ | E-mail | ] Contact: Joan Robinsonjoan.robinson@springer.com 49-622-148-78130Springer Global warming impacts lakes’ structure, function and water quality Increases in temperature as a result of climate change are mirrored in lake waters...

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7-Jun-2013 [ | E-mail | ] Contact: Christine Buckleychristine.buckley@uconn.edu 860-486-0680University of Connecticut VIDEO: This is what happens when the essential gene Umbrea is removed from fruit fly cells: cell death. A group of molecular… Source:Study...

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7-Jun-2013 [ | E-mail | ] Contact: Christine Buckleychristine.buckley@uconn.edu 860-486-0680University of Connecticut VIDEO: This is what happens when the essential gene Umbrea is removed from fruit fly cells: cell death. A group of molecular… Source:Study...

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