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Many people who come to enter codependent relationships with their teachers are–consciously or unconsciously–seeking to empower themselves by associating with a powerful figure. They project all the qualities they feel are lacking in themselves onto the...

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Court Approves Amgen’s $762 Million Payment In Drug Case Beliefs motivate our work. It’s our foot on the gas pedal of our lives. The harder and longer you leadfoot it, the faster and farther… http://healthmedicinet.com/i/sloptimism/

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Court Approves Amgen’s $762 Million Payment In Drug Case Enlarge image i The rover Curiosity and other NASA spacecraft at Mars are now in a radio blackout, as the sun is… http://healthmedicinet.com/i/mars-rovers-go-quiet-as-sun-blocks-transmissions/

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Ireland’s constitution officially bans abortion, but a 1992 Supreme Court ruling found it should be legalized for situations when the woman’s life is at risk from continuing the pregnancy. This… http://healthmedicinet.com/i/time-to-terminate-abortion...

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Scientists Explain Why Rudolph’s Nose Is Red But what I remember most from those years is something very different: persistent, daily, unrelenting teasing. Not bullying, necessarily. Just teasing. I… http://healthmedicinet.com/i/when-teased-children-...

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14 April 2013 Last updated at 12:34 ET Special clinics have been held to try to get as many children as possible vaccinated against measles The measles epidemic in Swansea cannot be blamed on a local newspaper’s coverage of concerns about the MMR jab...

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